Sunday, November 9, 2008

Where to Begin...

The beginning is so long ago.
So perhaps the present - and what has brought me here.
It's all Michelle's fault. And I thank her for it...
she is the one who told me and Sis to watch Zeitgeist.
From there, we watched David Icke. Then we questioned 9/11.
We found whistle-blowers. And ETs and UFOs. Along with
disclosure projects. We soaked up all the info that Project
Camelot/Project Avalon
had to offer. We waited with Blossom
(poor Blossom). We watched as the GPC dot changed
to red as the stock market slid and as Obama was elected.
I have created this space so that I can put all the good stuff I find
in one spot. I put a lot of time and effort into a message
board which began with excitement & optimism but soon
evolved with an emphasis on ego, gloom and doom
predictions, fear and bible thumping.
There was little hope evident, and even less humor.
Well, I gotta have hope and I gotta have humor. I have
brought the best of what I have recently (and not so recently, as
it turns out) learned, to this space. One of the "conversations"
I did have in that message board community was with a
gentleman from Ireland, who asked the members in general
why Americans were not taking to the streets... I guess this is
MY way of doing just that. I am not scared anymore.
Bring it on.


Forkmode said...

We will follow this religiously.

DLJ said...

"religiously", huh?

*shakin' head*