Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why am I Blogging?

I am a child of the 50's
the eldest of 5, that's why I act like I know everything...
"keep up with the Jones's"
"what will the neighbors think?"
"don't talk to ME in that tone of voice"
I entered catholic school in 1st grade, after I was
tested as having high enough IQ
(I mean, high enough to spend the tuition money on)
I loved the relics and holy cards we got as prizes
for good grades...
I liked the ceremony and tradition of high mass
I used to have to make up sins for the confessional
I did my penance anyway...
When I was 10, my Daddy abused me.
Changed my path forever, it was about then I
developed my extreme dislike for hypocrisy.
My parents appeared one way to the world but
I knew different. Then we moved across country.
At first, it was a tragedy, then it was an adventure.
Years later, we moved back "home". My parents
did not want me influenced by Haight-Ashbury
or Bezerkeley, so they sent be back across country
to catholic boarding school. But the joke was
on them, because I had more freedom under the
nuns' watch than my father's... I went with a
dorm-mate to her home in Atlanta for a spring
vacation, smoked my first doobie at an Allman Bros/Santana
concert and my path was changed again. I knew
that these were "my people" and that I would spend
my life perfecting my self and my spirit, and not in
the pursuit of a wealthy husband (for which I was being groomed).
My sister got cancer about this time... someone gave her a Seth book.
I read it. And then another, then all of them. And I was off!
Amazing to learn how we create and are responsible for our own realities.
I went on spirit quests to sacred places, I learned the art of
divination, I learned how to manifest. I read every day and
collected quite a library, which I gave away some years ago -
to people who were so happy to find so many "out of print"
spiritual books!
Over the next 30 years, I see now that I rejected most
institutions - I can see how the public education system
has been dumbed down.
I long ago determined that the political
system is a high-powered game, about the time of Viet Nam
and the Kennedys', MLK's assassinations and the McGovern
I rejected capitalism because I saw the pursuit of, and
attainment of money just did not make anyone happy for
very long. I was hip to the media way back when I read
Marshall McCluhan (sp?). I began back then to watch
out for the brainwashing.
I rejected traditional western medicine (pharma) in favor of
wholistic approaches. (I saw my sister cure herself...)
I rejected religion after realizing that they all purported to
follow a golden rule, but that nasty old hypocrisy was there...
I finally settled on Native American spiritual beliefs, perhaps
with Buddhism running a close second...
I practice a philosophy of "do no harm" and knew somehow
that the only thing we are left with at the end of our life in this
body is our soul, so that is what I invested my time in...
In my personal life now, I feel like a wise crone. I am in
observe mode, and the only thing I can think to "do" is to
be ready, meditate, listen for inner guidance, listen to
wise words right HERE, be in the moment as often as I can
and be some kind of light for others... as well as a source
of humor and optimism.
That is, as long as I can keep my critical, judgmental
personality from taking over! I know my words have power.
I am not afraid of death, I have been fortunate enough to have
had experiences that have taught me it is nothing to be scared
about. I do fear pain, but I have a fairly high tolerance. And to
me the most severe pain is emotionally generated anyway...
I think in my case, my ego needs to be dissolved or something...
I'm workin' on it - that is why I am blogging.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

String 'em Up, Cheney Can Be First

"A Texas grand jury has charged US Vice-President Dick Cheney for "organised criminal activity" related to alleged abuse of private prison inmates.

The indictment says Mr Cheney - who has invested $85m (£56m) in a company that holds shares in for-profit prisons - conspired to block an investigation."
from the BBC this morning...
Do you suppose that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al, suffered from stress in childhood?
This is what it can do to you... read the article...
(they have been doing it to us for more than a decade)
So, the stock market dove and closed under 8000 today...
apparently, there are all kinds of reasons why it is because
of faltering auto makers, so

(all together now)

"they must be bailed out ... or else!"

Or else what? Don't you get it?
TPTB are sucking all of us dry of every last dollar before
enough of us realize how they have manipulated it all.

Monday, November 17, 2008

"The agony of seven days without spending"

It's a new week... Germany is slipping into recession, Japan is sliding
into recession and the Eurozone is there, too. Let's take a look at
our stock market's opening bell: down 172
Here is an interesting experiment, try not to spend any money for seven days.
It might go something like this: "To stage a tour de force, a morality play in seven daily acts!"
Steve Almond, the article is here
Somebody STOP "them"!

While we weren't paying attention:
"Late on election day, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management announced a Dec. 19 auction of more than 50,000 acres of oil and gas parcels alongside or within view of Arches National Park and two other redrock national parks in Utah: Dinosaur and Canyonlands."

"This is the fire sale, the Bush administration's last great gift to the oil and gas industry," said Stephen Bloch, a staff attorney for the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance.

read the article
Something buried in the news:
"I think the breakdown of the talks between Beijing and the Dalai Lama is a major disaster, and it has now created a no-win situation for the Tibetans and China," said Tsering Shakya, a Tibetan historian at the University of British Columbia.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Trend Spotting on the Weekend...

This gentleman is amazing for his non-confrontational,
bi-partisan style of interpreting data:
Gerald Celente / Trends Research Institute
He has an incredible prediction record as to events unfolding TODAY
so may I suggest you check out his forecasts...
This is interview on election day...
with George Noory

Thursday, November 13, 2008

a "Tidal Wave of Gratitude and Relief" & a "Hole" in Existence...

"No doubt, Obama is a historic figure. But I think it's what surrounds him that feels even more historic, the astounding rush of exhilaration and gratification that flooded the nation -- and the world -- after he swept the election, a tidal wave of gratitude and relief borne in large part from the recognition that America is not, in fact, the nation Bush so violently tried to make us into, that dumbed-down, divided, rancorous brat, the irresponsible and dangerous thug of the world. Who knew?" Mark Morford, 11-12-08
food for thought
"The universe is built on sound patterns, which is why so many different worlds/dimensions can exist in the same space. Each is on a different frequency. Disrupt a world/dimension to the point that you destroy the carrier wave it exists on and you have created a 'hole' in existence that cannot support the dimension above or below t. Each frequency, besides maintaining its own world/dimension, also supports – or holds in place – the one above it and below it. Everything is interdependent!"
from Earthfiles

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Does Today Feel Any Different From Yesterday?

Does to me...
What a beautiful video... it will only take three and a half minutes to watch.
Carl Sagan, reading from "The Pale Blue Dot"
I went to search for another video I saw months ago...
an interview with the man upon whose life the movie
"Pursuit of Happiness" was based - the one in which Will Smith
acts with his own son... I never saw the movie. Sis saw it
and cried. She never cries at movies, so it musta been
a good one. I put it on my list.
Chris Gardner is his name. The decisions he made as a young
child remind me of the decisions I made at about 10yrs old.
He is a powerful man. Here is the interview.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Hope You Are Meditating Today...

11/11: Good Morning!

Until midnight tonight, whatever your timezone is, take
some moments out to visualize a kinder, gentler world.
Here is my focus for the day: "Do No Harm".

DO NO HARM is a non-profit non-organization.

If you think you’re a member,
You’re a member.

If you think you’re not a member,
You’re an honorary member.

There are no dues or fees.
There are no donations.

There is no official language or terminology.
There are no approved or disapproved concepts.

There is nothing special that you must believe.
There is nothing special that you must do or not do.

But . . . do no harm.

p.s: Although not required, a sense of humor is helpful.
Just paid the rent so I guess we'll be here another month...
Sis and I have just Fired the Grid!
to be continued

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Morning and All Is Well

So far, so good...
A glance at my desktop calendar remonds me about the
24 hour meditation beginning at midnight tonight...

(I'm just gettin' warmed up!)

Planting Seeds
quote from Michael St. Clair:

"~ What you appreciate, appreciates ~
~ What you see depends upon where you look ~
~ Intention leads to Attention/Focus which leads to Creation ~
end the day with a chemtrail photo, taken this afternoon.

g'nite, all

Sunday, November 9, 2008

An Invitation

The Gathering of the Ancestors

Where to Begin...

The beginning is so long ago.
So perhaps the present - and what has brought me here.
It's all Michelle's fault. And I thank her for it...
she is the one who told me and Sis to watch Zeitgeist.
From there, we watched David Icke. Then we questioned 9/11.
We found whistle-blowers. And ETs and UFOs. Along with
disclosure projects. We soaked up all the info that Project
Camelot/Project Avalon
had to offer. We waited with Blossom
(poor Blossom). We watched as the GPC dot changed
to red as the stock market slid and as Obama was elected.
I have created this space so that I can put all the good stuff I find
in one spot. I put a lot of time and effort into a message
board which began with excitement & optimism but soon
evolved with an emphasis on ego, gloom and doom
predictions, fear and bible thumping.
There was little hope evident, and even less humor.
Well, I gotta have hope and I gotta have humor. I have
brought the best of what I have recently (and not so recently, as
it turns out) learned, to this space. One of the "conversations"
I did have in that message board community was with a
gentleman from Ireland, who asked the members in general
why Americans were not taking to the streets... I guess this is
MY way of doing just that. I am not scared anymore.
Bring it on.